Biblical role models for marriage – any suggestions?

We had such an interesting discussion last night at the cathedral’s LGBT Group (aka Gay Club).

The conversation was about marriage, looking at it from a biblical, social and personal point of view rather than talking about the current attempts to change the law.

The question that we really found interesting was how many positive role models of married life we could find in the bible.

The truth is, we struggled far more than we imagined we would.

Suggestions included:

  • Ruth and Boaz – but we know far more about them before they were wed than after
  • Mary and Joseph – again we don’t know much about their married life apart from the fact that they lost their son on a day out
  • Adam and Eve – well, we are in the mythic here and there’s a lot of squabbling about blame to wade through before we can really talk about relationships.

So, your suggestions please. Can you think of good role models for marriage from the bible? Who would you nominate?

Giving up marriage

I was intrigued by the statement made to the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Scottish Parliament of someone representing the Church of Scotland. They seemed to suggest that if they don’t get their way in stopping same-sex marriage then they might stop conducting marriages altogether.

BBC report here:

I think that it is interesting in that there are quite a lot of religious people who talk about getting out of the legal marriage business. It wouldn’t particularly trouble me if we had the same situation as they have in France whereby people get married at the town hall and come to church for a religious ceremony afterwards. I think they would end up just as married before God and state if we had that system in Scotland as they clearly do in France. However, that wholesale system doesn’t appear to be on the cards.

I sometimes find myself wondering whether I will feel comfortable doing marriages (as opposed to weddings) at such a time as the law allows same-sex marriage but the Scottish Episcopal Church doesn’t. I don’t find it difficult to think that it would be reasonable to expect straight couples to go to the registry office and come to church for a service if that is what the Episcopal Church expects of a gay couple in similar circumstances. What’s good for the gander and the gander is surely good for the gander and the goose, as the old proverb would say.

Anyway, well done to Bishop John Armes who was also speaking to that parliamentary committee this morning. Well done particularly for making it so clear that the Scottish Episcopal Church contains people who are strongly in favour of same-sex marriage as well as those who are not. It was just a little bit more helpful than hiding behind the “the church is made up of people who have a diversity of views” which is what we usually get.