
Ten years ago today, I was made a deacon. That was the day I moved into ordained ministry, started wearing a dog-collar, (and a suit!) and began work at St Ninian’s Cathedral in Perth, where I served my curacy.

To be honest, I don’t remember that much about the service now. Fr Kevin Pearson preached. I cannot remember what he preached about, but I know that he did use the vintage Fr K method, which is to declare a text at the beginning of the sermon, say it again, say it again with feeling, say it again and add a bit, and then preach on the bit he has added. Highly effective.

I do remember the hurly and burly as I entered the church that night, feeling very self-conscious in my dog-attire. What amazed me was the number of people who immediately assumed that I knew the answers to questions, especially in relation to keys to different parts of the building.

Before being ordained, I remember my training rector saying to me that I was about to go through one of the most stressful life events that there was. He was right, and nothing really prepares you for what it feels like to be treated as an ordained person by people who know what they think an ordained person should do and say.

However, I very much enjoyed my first year of ordained ministry, when I was a deacon, but still not yet a priest. Being a deacon is a wonderful ministry and very much a part of who I am now.