The Forum with Michael Bawtree

We had a good Forum meeting after the 10.30 am service yesterday. This time I was interviewing Michael Bawtree.

Michael is an international musicial and conductor based in Glasgow but frequently travelling the world.

Some of the things we talked about were:

  • Can you tell a musician’s faith by the music they make?
  • What is Spirituality and is it the same as Religion?
  • Why commission new music?
  • What makes a musician?

We also discovered Michael’s guilty secret – he revealed which composer he just doesn’t quite get.

You can see it all in the video below.

(Note that the sound is considerably improved from last week).



Overheard in the Bookshop

The scene is a very busy bookshop. A bepigtailed elderwoman protagonist approaches the information desk. She pauses for a moment and then asks…

“Excuse me, Religion is…?”

Her bearded interlocutor pauses for a moment and then replies….

“Religion is in the gold room, just up the stairs.”

He pauses once again, and then asks, “Or were you looking for a more esoteric answer?”