There is no shortage of grace – a sermon for 28 July 2024

There lying in a kitchen cupboard they sit accusing me.

I’ve realised that the time has come to throw them all away because it won’t work properly anyway any more.

About a dozen small packets. Orange in colour. Each stamped with a best before date that is now about two years out of date anyway.

I must have struggled to get them in the first place. And yet they sit there unused.

My guess is that I won’t be the only person to have such a collection lying doing nothing in a cupboard.

It is my Emergency Pandemic Yeast Stash.

That’s right. We all had ways of coping with the first days of the pandemic a few years ago.

Some things were in short supply.

And as soon as you know that something is in short supply, that’s the thing you want most of all.

In the first days of the pandemic bread was in short supply – not because people had stopped making bread but because those who were worried took a couple more loaves.

No problem – I know how to make bread. I have a breadmaker. All I need is flour.

And then the flour started to run out – not because there wasn’t enough flour to feed everyone in the land but because everyone who could bake felt more reassured if it was in their own kitchen cupboard than in the shop down the road. And suddenly there was no flour to be had.

And once you’ve got the flour you need something to make it rise. And then the packets of yeast started to run out.

You know – there’s a whole encyclopaedic entry in Wikipedia all about what happened to home baking during the pandemic. It is one of those things that people are going to study in years to come.

People will write PhD’s on the spread of banana-bread recipes on the Southside of Glasgow during lockdown.

There will be studies done on the resurgence of sour dough as a metaphor for coping in difficult times.

But it is probably time to let my Emergency Pandemic Stash go the way of all flesh. It is out of date. And I need to throw it away.

I quite like making bread, but my little stash of old yeast tells me that I’ve not done it in quite a while. Scarcity made making bread seem incredibly important. But that time is past.

In this morning’s gospel there is also scarcity. The big story is the multiplication of loaves and fishes. Clearly there is a lack of food that the disciples ask Jesus to address. We’ll come onto that in a minute.

But not before noting that other things were scarce too.

Jesus had a large crown following him because they thought that he could give them something and what they were hoping for was more than an unexpected sandwich.

It is tempting to spiritualise it all and to suggest that they were looking for a spiritual teacher who spoke with authenticity and that perhaps there was a scarcity of people who did.

Well there’s pretty much always been a shortage of people who spoke with spiritual authenticity and anyway, the gospel writer is clear about why they were all pursuing him. They were following him because of the signs that he was doing for the sick.

In an age and a place devoid of modern universal healthcare it isn’t difficult to see why people were pursuing him.

If you go looking for commentary on this gospel passage, pretty soon you’ll get into a discussion about miracles.

Was the miracle of the multiplications of the loaves and the fishes like a magic trick or was it a social phenomenon?

Was it that there was suddenly more food than people had brought with them. Or was it that the sharing of the wee boy’s barley loaves and fishes prompted everyone present to share what they had.

Does it matter what kind of miracle a miracle is?

I’m not convinced that it does.

During the pandemic, despite all the chaos most supply chains held up and notwithstanding some shortages caused by people stashing away extra loaves and fishes in the freezer and you know, that feels like the miraculous to me.

Not everyone has enough in this country even though this country has enough.

I want to see the end to food poverty in my lifetime. Will there be enough people who desire that in public life to make it so?

Even the desire to make it so is evidence of miracle.

Do people need to chase religious leaders across the fields looking for healthcare in the land that we live in. No – and thank God they don’t.

Is the NHS perfect?


Is the common, heartfelt and persistent desire to provide healthcare free at the point of need for everyone in this land a miracle? You bet.

We would live in the age of miracles if only we had the grace to recognise them all around us.

When a twelve-step group organises to help someone find a way back to sobriety there is miracle.

When musicians band together to provide music that is balm to the soul, there is miracle.

When artists provoke and surprise there is miracle.

When educators educate, when activists get the rest of us to take action, when human kindness makes us cry…

Does it every matter what kind of miracle a miracle is? Our God is a God of abundance anyway.

There is grace enough for thousands
Of new worlds as great as this;
There is room for fresh creations
In that upper room of bliss.

Ah yes, the upper room.

Many have come to the story of the loaves and fishes and seen in it the same shape as the meal in the upper room that happened on the last night of Jesus’s life – the same meal we share here. Jesus took the bread, broke it and gave thanks for it and distributed.

And grace and love broke out. Broke out not just in the room he was in but in every room and in every place that the Eucharist has ever been shared in.

Today is no different.

As the bread is shared today, join with Jesus in givng thanks. Give thanks for the miracles around you. They may be things that other people wouldn’t see as miracles at all. Indeed, it is very likely that they won’t be.

Life can be tough. Living isn’t always easy.

But rejoice – God is good. And meets us with enough for today. There is no shortage of grace.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

A sermon for BBC Radio 4 – 7 July 2024

We were asked to produce a service to be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 7 July 2024 a few weeks before the General Election was called. The service had to be recorded in advance as the date for the broadcast fell within choir holidays. Once the election was called, I soon realised that the service would be broadcast amidst all the Sunday morning chatter about the election result. So, that meant trying to think about how to speak into that situation without actually knowing the result of the election. That’s not an easy thing to do but I soon realised that we have skin in the game here. People from St Mary’s have been involved in the election as candidates, activists, tellers, agents and pundits. This is part of what we do here. I wrote most of the script for the service, which can be found here: but the reality is, these things are a team effort and some of the wording needed to be very carefully chosen for this one. I was the preacher for this service, and this is what I had to say:

The thing that I remember most is crawling around on the floor. That and the feeling in my stomach. People refer to stomach churning moments. I never knew what that felt like until that moment.

I asked people to pick up all their bags and coats and shuffle their chairs. And I got down on my hands and knees just to check one more time that nothing had gone missing.

I was looking for a bundle of votes that might, just might,  have fallen off the counting table onto the floor.

20 years or so ago, that bundle of votes meant the difference between victory for me and victory for a political opponent.

The imagined bundle of votes on the floor never existed. Victory wasn’t mine that day and I soon had to concede that someone else had won. Less than 20 votes were between us after weeks of frantic campaigning.

There is something incredibly moving to see votes being counted and stacked up in your favour. And it is gut wrenching – there’s no other word for it, to miss out by just a few votes.

Our procedures for choosing leaders, using stubby pencils to mark slips of paper seem a long way away from David being chosen as King of Israel by the acclaim of the people. But there’s things to learn even from that account.

David and the people entered into a covenant with one another. And that word, Covenant is laden with meaning as it echoes the various times that the bible speaks of a covenant being made between God and the people.

Speaking of the relationship between leaders and those looking for leadership as a covenant relationship is to speak of the trust between them as being nothing other than sacred.

A covenant sets boundaries on what someone can do. Sacred boundaries.

I’m not involved in party politics now. But when election times come around and I get to cast my own vote, I have a strong sense of the deep, deep significance in casting a vote in a land where everyone gets to be involved if they choose. That does feel sacred to me. Who I vote for is my business. The act of voting feels like an immense responsibility – an act of faith in a common desire for our land to be governed well.

And as I vote, there’s one thing that I long for, for all who stand in elections. And that’s also a deeply biblical notion – I long for all those seeking to make decisions on behalf of others, to be blessed with wisdom.


Lord of wisdom, lord of truth, lord of justice, lord of mercy.  Walk beside us down the years, ’till we see you in your glory …

I’ve stood in quite a few elections. Elections to public office and elections within the church. And looking back, I started doing it by standing in student elections whilst I was in college.

More often than not, things have not gone my way. Losing elections seems to be one of my hobbies.

And I’ve learned you get better at losing elections as time goes on.

I’ve also learned that having wisdom and having a win are not the same thing.

Indeed, many of the biblical writers are, at best, ambivalent about the powerful, but passionate in proclaiming that God’s love is particularly poured out on the powerless and the weak.

In one of the readings that we heard this morning and which will be read in many churches today, we hear of Jesus feeling powerless himself and then starting to send out his disciples to proclaim his message – a message of repentance, a manifesto for changing everything.

Repentance means nothing other than changing everything and turning yourself around to face a new direction.

But those disciples who were sent out with this message were far from being the powerful of their day. They were mixed up, muddled up and much of the time they didn’t seem particularly bright. They were argumentative and squabbled about who was the most important. They got themselves into factions and when Jesus really needed to depend on their loyalty they all ended up running away.

And yet, these were the ones who carried a message of love from God to the world. These were the ones who brought good news to the world. These were the ones who did indeed turn the whole world around with the stories that they spread about the Saviour whom they each knew intimately.

As they carried that message, somehow they knew that God was with them wherever they went. Somehow they knew they were cared for and nourished and beloved. The love they knew, was the grace of God that they had seen in Jesus and which Christians still see and proclaim with confidence and love for the world today.

When everything seems mixed up and muddled up. God still loves us. When there is fighting and division, God still loves us. When we need to know love most. God’s love is right there.

Worship and prayer often connect people with that love. And prayer connects us with all who are in need. My colleagues Oliver and Maggie now lead our prayers for the world.