Just about to go off to the Gregorian Chant Day which is almost the last special event that we have on for the West End Festival. Not sure what it will be like. I’m putting it down as a Professional Development Day, not least because Plainsong is not my strong point.
Neumes have always elided me.
There should be plenty of time to pretend to be nuns too, which is always important. I’m hoping that the first number is, “How do you solve a problem like Maria,” but I’ve a feeling that it might be something else.
The last trump of the Festival comes tomorrow night with the definitive Festal Evensnog for the Jack the Dipper – Parry’s I was glad, Stanford – Evening Canticles in C, Te Deum in Bb, This is the Record of John and responses by Richard Shepherd. Clouds of billowing copes filling the sanctuary, natch.
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