David | Dah•veed has alterted me to something that I had not previously been aware of, which is that the intention is apparently to name 9 October as the Feast Day for John Henry Newman, which is the anniversary of his conversion from Anglicanism to Roman Catholicism. As has been pointed out politely elsewhere, this is does seem rather crass ecumenically.
Does anyone know of any other saints whose Feast Day is marked by the date of their joining of the Roman Catholic Church? I’m aware of the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul, but that seems to me to be of another order entirely.
I’d be interested to know if there is any precident for the Newman decision. Anyone know?
Well, el Papa, gave us the Ratsfinger again. Twice in one trip.
That has to be a record! Twice in four days.
Kelvin, do the RCs lump everyone in the Encyclical? I ask because your orders are not really English orders are they?
Thanks David | Dah•veed – I think that all Anglicans are lumped together. I am indeed not in English orders.
Its worth reading Apostolicae Curae all the same. Much of the argument focuses on the actual form of the Anglican ordinal at the time.
David | Dah•veed,
In fairness to Benedict, it was a very nice stole. One wonders if he has two millenia of papal vestments to chose from – The Vatican must have the Mother of all Dressing Up Cupboards! 🙂