Monday Evening

Went to Edinburgh today. Saw the new Paolozzi windows in St Mary's Cathdral. Perhaps they will grow o­n me with time, but today I found them quite hard to enjoy. Much more moving was the YWCA installation beneath the windows. 104 pairs of women's shoes with messages from the owners from every part of Scottish life, supporting an anti-domestic violence message. What surprised me was the number of the women who owned shoes which they said that they wore and which they said were unbearably painful. What is the point in uncomfortable shoes o­n anyone? 


  1. Anonymous says

    Re: Monday Evening
    I think the Paolozzi window is superb; the o­nly thing which mars it is the shadow cast from outside by the design of the doorway

    Kelvin, your comments about women and painful shoes gave me a laugh.  You have a lot to learn about fashion and vanity.

  2. Anonymous says

    Re: Monday Evening
    I very rarely notice shoes – indeed, I think that I o­nly really pay attention to feet in the sanctuary (ie belonging to the servers or the choir) which are not clad in black leather – other than that, I tend not to care. And I hate shopping for shoes myself.
    I may yet come to love the St Mary's windows, I just have not done so yet. There is a remarkable collection of odd art in that cathedral.

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