I remember the effort that it took to get the Church Sign boards updated when I first moved here. They were covered in cobwebs and offered in illegible script information on contacting a range of clergy, some of whom were no longer there and one of whom was dead. There were also details of services which were not happening. Some people complained bitterly about the repainting of these signs. Indeed, one person was horrified that the new signs could be read from over the road.
Technology has now caught up with all of this. I've been having a lot of fun playing with the internet's own Church Sign Generator. It is only a matter of time before I can change the real church sign by sending it an e-mail.
Re: Church Signs
I have a vision of you using a remote control from inside the Church and as I approach, a great big neon lighted sign declares
YOU'RE LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!