Blog reach

I'm amazed at the way in which sermons have a life of their own o­n this blog site. I know that they are read far away from Bridge of Allan. It is becoming not uncommon for people to call me up from far away about something else and end up discussing a sermon that they read o­n-line. Putting them o­nline every week certainly makes me a bit sharper when I am writing them. No re-working a sermon from three years ago, or o­ne that I have preached elsewhere. They are read by people far away. They are also read by a few people who live locally but never come to [this] church. In this ever more fragmented world, people have the power to choose exactly where they will get their spiritituality from. They might [or might not] physically worship somewhere but be getting their sense of community or nourishment from somewhere else. Some people will be horrified at that. Some people are always horrified at change.

I rather like the idea of casting the word out into the ether and waiting to see what comes back. Words to change worlds by.

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