Why did my sister need to get married this week? Holy Week is almost upon us but my normal preparations are interrupted by a wedding. Today there is a lot to be done to get ready. There are the Sunday Services to prepare, a Eucharist at 1100. A funeral at 1430. A funeral to organise for someone else to do when I am away – access, keys etc. Musicians to talk to and to whom information about the church heating needs to be imparted. Quiet space to have. A Prayer School event to prepare and lead. A website to be updated with Holy Week stuff. And, if work were not enough, I must get a new political leaflet prepared before I go off to the wedding too.
What am I going to wear at the wedding? The usual answer to this question is something glam, gold and shimmery from the Vestry to upstage the bride, however, as I am not taking this wedding, I guess that would not be appreciated.
Re: Now, today is going to be busy
Given how busy a week you've had, I don't think you should be worrying about what to wear. You should be more concerned with whether you'll be able to stay awake by the end of it all!
Glam is good though!
Have a great time, whatever you're wearing-best wishes to your family
Re: Now, today is going to be busy
What am I going to wear? …. something glam, gold and shimmery from the Vestry to upstage the bride
One of the lasting memories of my now distant wedding was wondering how to take my brother’s question as to what colour of pony tail band he should wear and persauding him that string was *not* appropriate for holding up the trousers of his otherwise very smart suit!
So,go on,wear the gold!!!!
Hope you all have a fantastic time