Pipe Band on the Way

One of the most extraordinary services I've taken here in Bridge of Allan was the week that a pipe band turned up, in full kit, for the 8 am Sunday Service. The eight o'clock is usually half a dozen of us, most more than 20 years older than me, enjoying the first, quiet light of day. o­ne week a couple of years ago, a large bus pulled over outside the church at 0755 and disgorged about 25 teenage pipers from Houston. Sadly, they did not play their pipes, but it is still a much remembered event amongst those who were there o­n the day.

Anyway, I see from their website that they are coming back this year in August. They are from an Episcopal School in Houston, Texas, and o­ne of the best pipe bands in the world.


  1. Kelvin says

    Re: Pipe Band on the Way
    Why don't you invite them along and we could welcome them properly?

  2. Anonymous says

    Re: Pipe Band on the Way
    The reason that they came to the early service is that they were going off to compete in piping competitions at various Highland Games all over the place. This made coming to a later service more difficult.

    It might be possible to invite them to something midweek.

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