We have a special day today at St Saviour’s. Richard Holloway is coming to preach and the choir are singing a special mass setting at a service at lunchtime which is sponsored by Affirming Catholicism.
I’m not actually a member of Affirming Catholicism though I am broadly in sympathy with what they are doing. I did wonder whether they asked me to host this event in the hope that I would join and do more. They have asked me to speak at their next event too, which is on politics.
Whatever the service is like today, the best part of it is the chance to meet up with friends. The deacon is a college friend from St Andrews days, the servers are coming from my old congregation, St Ninian’s Cathedral in Perth, most of the Changing Attitude Scotland committee will be there and of course, the preacher has been an inspiration for a long time.
What a lot of work though. I’m not sure what posssessed me to organise a service like this just after I returned from my holiday.
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