Other Books Read on Holiday

Finished unpacking the holiday suitcase today and found more books that I had taken with me.  These included Brick Lane by Monica Ali and Fury by Salman Rushdie. In fact, I o­nly read the first of these, the second is now o­n the shelf waiting to be looked at.  The question that I have been thinking about is why I so often read novels about India, Bangladesh and Pakistan when I am o­n holiday in the Mediterranean.

I do hope that Fury is not going to become the new Midnight's Children which I carried with me o­n holiday for 7 years before completing. The problem with Midnight's Children was that I kept o­n reading the first few pages and then putting the book down to think about them and then wanted to read them again. So it went o­n for years.

I enjoyed Brick Lane, not least because I used to live near there and walked up and down Brick Lane most Sundays after church when I was based in the East End. However, it is really a novel about Bangladesh, not about London.

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