Primates' meeting

I’m still trying to make some sense of the decision of the Anglican Primates’ to punish the US and Canadian churches. (And not any of the African ones whose bishops have been crossing boundaries that they shouldn’t have crossed).

To say that the outcome of the meeting in Northern Ireland is a disappointment is an understatement. The current situation reminds me of the start of the movement which led to the Scottish disruption. A week ago, the question was, would there be schism in the Anglican churches. Now, the more pertinent question is what kinds of churches do we want to emerge from the break-up.

One thing is certain. Dividing the world up by territories, naughty or otherwise, is a policy which will and should unravel very early on in the process.

Our Primus says, “We did not solve all our differences on the issues of sexuality but did find a way which respected the integrities of both sides of the argument…”

I don’t believe that is so.

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