Many thanks to all those who have contacted me in response to last week’s sermon. I’ve been astonished by the generosity and warmth represented by e-mails from people all over North America, as well as by the cards and messages from people more locally.
Here are a few typical responses:
From Liz in the US – Hi Kelvin, I’m glad your sermon was posted on Dr. Crew’s site. Thank you — and thanks to him — and glory to God for you both! You speak for me, also.
From a member of the Scottish Episcopal Church ? this reminded me of the following comment made by a former bishop in our church – The only thing I want to say is there has never been a time when I did not know gay people, usually men; that some of the best and most caring priests and bishops I knew were gay; that I have been lovingly ministered to by gay clergy; and it has been their outsiderness that has made them such loving exemplars of the spirit of Jesus, in contrast to the harsh judgementalism of the so-called Christians who condemn them.
From a Rector in California – Thank you for your sermon for Lent 3. I was posted to Midrash and I read it there. With you, I belong to an inclusive church and parish, though we are located in a diocese that is part of the “network” in the USA. I will include you and your parish in my prayers, as I continue prayers for the conversion of our brothers and sisters who are trapped in a mindset that cannot see the gospel imperative to be inclusive as was Jesus.
From a Rector in New York – Let me add my thanks to that of others who received copies of your sermon. The way ahead for us will not be easy, but honest speaking and listening to one another and faithful witness to the Good News of God’s love will sustain us.
From someone in British Columbia, Canada – Thank you. I and many, many others stand with you, as you stand with us. It might be good for you to know that I am not a gay man, that I am an industrial worker. That I am not alone in my support and standing with you. Keep strong for us, we will try to keep strong for you too.
From a Rector?s Warden in Newfoundland – I just read your sermon which was posted on Midrash and I wanted to let you know how much it moved me. You are absolutely right – you speak with truth and wisdom. I continue to pray that we are members of an inclusive church even after the meetings this past week in N. Ireland. We have to fight for inclusiveness. We must continue to talk and to walk together and we need to affirm all members – you have much to offer. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you struggle with our church which is tearing people apart. I heard your pain in the sermon and I feel that you must continue to speak out – your voice needs to be heard.
From a lay member of the Scottish Episcopal Church – We need to find a way of being constructively – even lovingly – angry.
From a member of a church in Florida – Greetings from the naughty place. While we are removed from the table and conversation, let me extend a welcome to you and any other to come and share our altar and meal at our church. You are not alone! I am just a guy in a pew but we at All Saints believe that all are welcome, valued and loved. Our great weather should last till the end of May, then comes serious summer. Come on down, y’all!
From a priest in the Scottish Episcopal Church – I was moved to tears by your honesty and
courage. I felt blessed by you this week — and everywhere I go God has spoken to me about the importance of listening to others and to Him.
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