10 Commandments

An attempt is being made by one of the television stations to get people to write their own version of the 10 commandments.

Here is mine. Well, Ten Liturgical Commandments.

1 Thou shalt not put flowers in the font – ever.
2 Thou shalt not put flowers in anything during Lent.
3 Thou shalt not encourage people to use the Gloria or the ‘A’ word during Lent.
4 Thou shalt not meander to an arbitrary place in a church and then begin a procession from there.
5 Thou shalt not treat children as though they are children.
6 Thou shalt use liturgical colours not according to whim but according to the calendar or the sense of the service.
7 Thou shalt remember that communion services are always and by definition celebrations of something.
8 Thou shalt not fight before mass. (or during mass or after mass).
9 Thou shalt wear headgear appropriate to one’s status (or coldness) and know what to do with it.
10 Thou shalt teach whoever is singing a litany of the saints how to pronounce the names of the saints during practices before and not after the service.


  1. Kelvin says

    Re: 10 Commandments
    Only Ten Kelvin, you do surprise me!

    What about:
    Thou shalt not dip the sleeve of your alb in the Chalice whenst receiving communion!

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