To St Michael and All Saints, Tollcross last night for their Corpus Christi service. Quite a large proportion of the congregation appeared to be clergy who had done placements there returning and bringing friendly presbyterians or folk from their current congregations with them.
Fantastic music which was written by the Director of Music there. The usual pomp and circumstance of the Corpus Christi procession. Lots of friendly faces. A good sermon from Fr Kevin. I even had someone try to chat me up at the end of the evening.
What more could one want from a night out at the best show in town?
Re: Best Show in Town
And will the chat up line bear fruit or flower amidst this festival season?
Re: Best Show in Town
Alas, neither fruit nor flower is on the cards. Though the chatter-up was trying very hard, this chattee was having none of it.
Re: Best Show in Town
Another opening…..another show…….who knows?