
Here are the intimations:

1 I am going to Linlithgow on Sunday evening to lead an evening of Taiz? worship. (Though only 1 hour, not all night). Starts 6 pm at St Peter’s (formerly St Mildred’s) Episcopal Church.

2 There will be a chance to practise the Taiz? chants at 2030 on Thursday evening at the end of choir practice in the church hall here in Bridge of Allan. People can come who are not in the choir. People can go who are not coming to Linlithgow on Sunday too.

3 For those not going to Linlithgow, there is Choral Evensong in Holy Trinity Church, Albert Road, Stirling. This will feature the singing of the choir from the Episcopal Church in Paisley and their rector the Rev Fr Dazzle. (Who sings beautifully).

4 Miss Tilly is a little under the weather and would value your thoughts. She did not have a broken leg last week after all, but most certainly has a bit of a snuffle now. I have tried a gentle application of holy water from the shrine at Knock, but so far this has only made her snuffle all the more pronounced.

5 I shall be speaking in St Andrews on the topic “Religion and Politics” on Tuesday 27 September 2005. More details to follow.

The intimations end here.


  1. Kelvin says

    Re: Intimations
    ‘Gentle application of holy water’? Get her to drink it and that should kill off any bacteria. If that fails let me know and I can send you one of St Rita’s rose petals and you could make a fragrant nosegay for her. That should do the trick.

  2. Anonymous says

    Re: Intimations
    I fear that a fragrant nosegay might be more difficult to apply for any period of time than the recent eyedrops which gave both she and I so much entertainment.

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