Well, I’ve managed to stick to the discipline of posting to the Photoblog every day.
There were doubters, there were doubters. One dedicated reader commented – too much nature. I never did take many photographs of people. People will never sit still when you ask them to, unlike trees, who do their best.
Take a peek sometime. The squirrel pic that I’ve posted for Thursday is my favourite so far, I think.
http://photoblog.thurible.net will get you there.
OK, that didn’t come out right at all. I meant to say, it’s hard to get candids of people *and* publish them since that requires model-release forms afterwards, which feels a bit wrong. Although I have done it before now, given that the human in question was unrecognizeable: http://pig.sty.nu/Pictures/gallery/display-db.rb?pic=969 🙂