Anyone who thought that I could not fill a skip with junk was very much mistaken. Whoosh – so much has been thrown out this week and mostly it feels very good to be rid of it.
Now, with the skip filling up and confronted by 2 record playing turntables and a pile of old LPs that you have not listened to in over 20 years, do you throw them straight away or do you think, "Hmm, I wonder if I want to listen to this?"
Before long, one has connected the wires to allow one to record long lost sentiment onto one’s iRiver.
Most of the records got chucked, but a few fascinated me enough to want to hear them again.
For the record, these are the memories that are spinning on planet Holdsworth this week:
- Terry Jacks – Seasons in the Sun – memories of a relationship long, long ago. (I have an uncomfortable feeling that I perhaps should have given this back – it certainly wasn’t mine). Fabulous cheesy 1970’s key changes.
- The 20th Century Folk Mass – absolutely madness and nothing to do with folk music – think big bands and you are nearly there.
- Tom Gilfellon – In the Middle of the Tune. A folky LP unavailable on CD. TG was a High Level Ranter.
- A Pete Coe record – similar north of England folky stuff to sing and dance to.
- Searchlight by Runrig – another relationship of only slightly less long ago.
I was certainly a different person when I was buying records. These days I listen to a lot more choral music than the orchestral stuff the predominates in the pile.
Deep in the collection was the first LP I bought – Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Variations. Purchased in the record shop in Milngavie, I seem to recall.
Oh dear, I still remember all the words – Seasons in the Sun!!
At least I’ve lost the actual record though!
Funny – I’ve had Searchlight in the car CD-player for a while now. Back in December at a live gig in Perth, I was very pleasantly surprised to note Bruce has added _only the brave_ to his repertoire, too 🙂
Remembering the words
Oh, serena – don’t be ashamed of Terry Jacks. After all, we’re all Pan’s People’s Bairns.
Interestingly, Miss Tilly also seems to know the words and can be heard going from room to room singing, “I was the black sheep of the family – you tried to teach me right from wrong…”