
The Scottish Episcopal Church has no Primus – long live the Primus.

Pay attention now. Bishop Bruce resigned as Primus at the end of April, so he is no longer the Primus but still the Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney. The election of the next primus takes place at the next meeting of the College of Bishops next week, so there has to be an Acting Primus until then. The person who is Acting Primus is the Senior Bishop who is…

…step forward the Senior Bishop and Acting Primus, Bishop Bruce Cameron the Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney.

I told you to pay attention. 


  1. Anonymous says

    What is a Primus
    When I first told a friend that the SEC had a Primus, the response was – silly we have a primus when we go camping. She was five at the time.

    On a serious note, at least Bruce’s time as acting Primus will be short, but will did not not wait until the Bishop’s meeting to retire?

    Anyone for a sweep on the new Primus?

  2. David Campbell says

    What is a Primus
    Very good Kelvin – loving the humour. For the sweep, the word on the street, and who knows really what the truth is, is that there are the two obvious candidates: Glasgow and Edinburgh, each with following among their colleagues. Of course, I’m going with Glasgow, but wouldn’t put my Rectory on it.

  3. Anonymous says

    Well at least he’ll know a bit about the job!!

  4. Anonymous says

    The Next Primus
    Considering where Kelvin is heading (only 4 weeks to go), how does he feel to becoming Provost of a Scottish Cathedral at the same time his new Bishop becomes Primus?

  5. Anonymous says

    I would not for a single moment, wish to discuss who might or might not end up as a primus. Bon chance to all, I say.

  6. David Campbell says

    Now Kelvin…I never had you down as a man to sit on the fence…

  7. Anonymous says

    Some fences are more comfortable than others.

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