Prrrrrrraise him with the loud cymbals

Mmm. A choir that can roll its Rs. (Careful!)



  1. Anonymous says

    Psalm 150
    Same choir sang Psalm 150 as an Introit from the back of the Cathedral when I got married – sent a shiver down my spine (or was that the pre-nuptial nerves)

  2. Shivers etc
        One does one’s best!  And it’s nice to be appreciated.  Thank you.

  3. Brannon Hancock says

    Hope we didn’t spit on anyone…that could, I would think, detract from the otherwise marvellous spirit of worship. for the recipient of the spittle, I mean.

  4. Anonymous says

    Goodenough for psalm 150
    I do hope that the psalm tune was by Goodenough.  I was singing that one on Sunday evening.

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