New US Presiding Bishop

I’m delighted that the new leader of the Episcopal Church in the states is the Rt Revd Katharine Jefferts.

Two things have impressed me about her so far.

Firstly, that when all the world’s media was pointing in her direction to focus on the supposed significance of her gender, she used the opportunity to point to the importance of the Millenium Goals. And this, in the face of hostile questioning about the gay issues. Well done.

Secondly, because she is a serious scientist and has a particular expertise about squid. I just think that is going to be so very useful at Primates’ Meetings.  

Well done ECUSA.

Of course, the other thing worth noting about this is that if Bishop Katherine makes a pilgrimage to these shores she will be able to function as a priest and as a bishop if she is in Scotland, but not, I believe in England, where they are rude enough to inhibit bishops who happen to be either gay or female.  


  1. Anonymous says

    Hear hear! 🙂

  2. Whoops! That was me…

  3. Katharine Jefferts
    Yes, me too. Liked the arguments against prejudiced opinions laid out in ‘Changing Attitude Scotland’

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