How to Baptise Someone

I did my first Baptism in St Mary’s today. What a large font. Just about large enough to have baptised the candidate by full immersion.

Amongst a great collection of other useful skills that we were not taught how to do during my training was how to baptise a child. Nor indeed an adult. Nor, when it comes to that were we taught about anything to do with children and young people. They were unmentioned.

Here is the wisdom I have learned since starting to do this.

  • Hold babies firmly as though you mean it. (Sure and steadfast, as the Boys’ Brigade would say).
  • Make sure they can still see mother and father. Or both mothers or both fathers or whatever. (It makes the baby feel more secure)
  • Play with the water. (Its fun for you and fun for them).
  • Talk to them. (Expect them to talk back).
  • Don’t turn them upside down. (It makes them cry).
  • Don’t expect to perform the baptism without water running up your sleeve to your elbow and beyond. (Try not to squeal at this).
  • Don’t try to upstage a baby, you can’t. Unlike brides – whom you can upstage. (And you must).
  • Try to buy non-Gender coloured baptism certificates. (Pink for a girl and blue for a boy is an abomination before the Lord).



  1. Kimberly says

    sound method

    When I was in a panic about how to hold the baby before my first baptism, a Methodist colleague said:  ‘Just hold her like a rugby ball’. Though my only experience of rugby was praying on the sidelines (touchline??) that we would not need the air ambulance, it worked perfectly. 

    And that was something I learned at TISEC: when in doubt, ask a Methodist.  They will always find a way…



  2. Anonymous says

    As well as the minefield of colours of the Baptism Card, there is also the box that goes with the baptisimal candle.

    Now do H+F do them in neutral colours – cannot find my catalogue at present….

  3. Brannon Hancock says

    big fonts
    Careful now…I’ve been told baptism only “takes” if it’s by full immersion… [he types, winkingly]

    This list made me chuckle, so I shared it with several friends and family members, although I’m not sure if they’d’ve appreciated it fully, coming as they do from traditions that don’t often baptise wee’ans and rarely have (proper) fonts. What a variegated Body Christ’s is…

  4. Anonymous says

    Full Immersion

    As it happens, I was baptised by full immersion as an adult.

    Well, I was 18 😉

    I now have neither regrets about being baptised in that way nor apprehensions about baptising infants.

  5. Micha'el EliYah says

    Full immersion

    The original Hebrew word for Baptise means "to apply water to"  It doesn’t say how much or to immerse, just to apply water to.

  6. sioie says

    i would like to know how would i go about to bapsting a child….i’m not a member of the church but the person who i want to be godmother to my child is a member but not an active member….is it still possible to baptise a child

  7. Derek says

    The hebrew word may not mean full immersion, but the greek word does. In classical greek the word baptizo could mean to sink a ship, and in koine greek it meant to dip or fully submerge. I wrote a little article about this word.

    I believe this is the word to look at when refering to Christian baptism. The hebrew is nice, but the Greek is president. I also don’t believe you should have to baptize a baby. Do you do so on the sake of tradition or origional sin? Have a good day.

  8. Lynne says

    My brother is dyeing of cancer and is a believer, but has never
    had a formal religion or attended church. He wants me to
    baptise him. I do have an Associates Degree in Theology and
    am a practicing Catholic, but I have never baptised anyone. Is
    there something that I must study or follow. Thank-you, Lynne

  9. Kelvin says

    Hello Lynne

    As you are a practicing Catholic, I’d strongly recommend that you have a chat with a priest about this.

    I hope that you are able to find a way of bringing comfort to your brother and ministering to him appropriately.

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