
"Kelvin, notwithstanding the fact that I know that you dance around the flat with your cat doing Dusty Springfield numbers together, people do find you scary."

I mean, really! 


  1. Anonymous says

    But what is Scary?
    — Dusty Springfield
    — Dancing
    — Doing it in the flat
    — Doing it with the cat
    — Scariness on its own…..

    Where are the boundaries of scariness, and what is the optimum combination to avoid scarines?


  2. I’d take it as a compliment, really!

  3. Anonymous says

    You don’t scare me.

    Now if you were happy clappy, and been appointed as Provost, then THAT would scare me! But you, no you don’t scare me.

  4. moyracsf@franciscans.org.uk says


    What I find scary is that I’m older than a Provost! When did that happen – Provosts and the like are Old People.

    As I’ve not yet had the pleasure of meeting you, I have no possible comment on whether or not you are scary. But….

    I have my doubts as whether anyone who dances with a cat to Dusty Springfield can be counted as scary.

  5. Anonymous says


    Well, no-one would doubt that the cat is scary and she dances around to Dusty Springfield with me, so I’m not so sure.


  6. Kimberly says


    Kelvin — Tilly is not scary, she is sweet.  That you once found her scary may help you to sympathize with your congregation as they get used to you.

    And for the record — which of you leads? 

  7. Moyra says


    What I find scary is that I’m older than a Provost! When did that happen – Provosts and the like are Old People.

    As I’ve not yet had the pleasure of meeting you, I have no possible comment on whether or not you are scary. But….

    I have my doubts as whether anyone who dances with a cat to Dusty Springfield can be counted as scary.

    Why’s the cat scary?

  8. Anonymous says

    Who leads?

    Well, I think I lead. Matilda thinks otherwise.


  9. Elizabeth says

    Ah, the perfect couple.

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