Botafumeiro Demonstration

All right, all right, I’m back already. [Well, back to work tomorrow].

And with this little gem – an online demonstration of the physics of the Botafumeiro, the enormous thurible swung in Santiago de Compostela.


  1. GadgetVicar says

    Will you install one at St Mary’s?

  2. That now gives us another use for the pulleys and cords that were installed in the Nave at St Mary’s during the Phase 4 restoration.

    Bulk order of incense required???

  3. Kay Thomson says

    Hi Kelvin, on a completely different subject, if you happen to be watching BBC Children In Need tonight, Megan and Helen will be at the studios in Glasgow with Sue and Mike. The girls have raised £1663 in just two weeks. Thought you’d like to know.

  4. Gordon says

    Strangely therapeutic

  5. Anonymous says

    Fascinating. Glad to see you spent your holidays well.

    I was rather enjoying the attempt to read physics equations in French, and thought I was doing well until my version read ‘pull on the cord with the help of a mouse (cliquish-dormouse in hand)’. I don’t suppose anyone wants to translate it properly for the blog?

  6. Kimbery says

    apparently my ability to fill in a web form is no better than my French – the last comment was not deliberately anonymous.

  7. Thanks for the mentioning of the link, saw the real thing in action, and wondered what the trick was. I am pleasantly intrigued by the image on top of your site of 2 man in dresses holding hands what could be interpreted as being on the way to the altar. Some of the members in the background don’t look too happy though. Made me smile anyway. Many thanks, Marcel, Slovakia/New Zealand.

  8. kelvin says

    Marcel – thanks for the comment. The pic ( is a photo of Bishop Idris leading me to my stall (ie chair) in St Mary’s Cathedral on the night that I was literally installed as the Provost. It makes me smile too.

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