1 December 2006

World Aids DayGlasgow’s service for World AIDS Day

7 pm – St Mary’s Cathedral, 300 Great Western Road.

All Welcome


  1. Jimmy McPhee says

    Full blown love.

    I didn’t know where you came from
    I didn’t care where you had been
    no questions
    no answers
    imagined to be real
    interpretations of the past
    permitting us to feel

    You accosted my life
    you deconstructed my mind
    you welcomed yourself to my house

    The first noticeable change of a Spring day
    throwing open windows and doors
    taking the chill from the air

    Filling the emptiness with the joy of living
    breaking the silence with the sound of laughter
    sharing the magical gift of unconscious forgetfulness

    But now memories distil in one
    inescapable awareness that you are gone

    Your beautiful body away from me
    your beautiful body away from me
    your beautiful body away from me

    It was like when the seagulls sing
    it didn’t mean a thing
    like when the seagulls sing
    it didn’t mean a thing
    when the seagulls sing
    it doesn’t mean a thing .

    This poem came to me a few years ago, at the time I was living in a second floor flat in Paisley.
    After I had written the last line I heard a squawking sound I looked out of the living room window and three seagulls were flying in a circle just outside the window, they kept flying in a circle and squawking for about five minutes and then flew away .

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