Advent wreath – more

Many thanks to all those who chose to correspond on the subject of Advent Wreaths. For the record, we don’t have advent wreaths in Sweden, but rather a thingy (adventljus?) which places the four candles in a straight line. These may be decorated with green stuff but are more likely just to be metal.

This morning I saw a very fine example in the middle of a groaning breakfast table.

The sun has just arisen to the sound of Swedish advent hymns.


  1. The hospice in Ardire has five white candles – none of which have yet been lit – decorated not with greenery but purple and pink cloth. While at St Mark’s we seem to be following the Swedish tradition – maybe it is the shape of the building, or maybe it is because my name is Scandinavian – we have the five candles in a straight line with just the metal stand during Advent the greenery being added at Christmas.

  2. Now that would be an idea for the Cathedral for next year……………

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