Well, the frantic work put in by so many people over the last couple of weeks paid off and a good Christmas time was had by all at church. The nine lessons and carols brought in a big crowd, despite it being at 1830 on Christmas Eve. They got some fine music, including a positively military Gaudete and a lovely anthem O Magnum Mysterium which actually made a single tear fall gently down the praepostorial cheek.
Midnight was busy too. A flurry of servers, sacristan, clergy, musicians, lay assistants, candle bearers, stewards and so on all managed to get themselves into the right places and do the right kinds of things. The result made me rather too high to sleep much of the rest of the night away.
Christmas Day was splendid too. Having gone out on a limb and suggested that we return to having a full sung mass on Christmas Day, I was greeted by cheerful greetings from the back row of the choir. “Bah!” and “Humbug” could be heard being muttered before the service. However, the faithful turned out in very good numbers and the bahing and humbugging seemed to subside into genial Christmas cheer.
Back for more this morning – Morning Prayer for St Stephen’s Day, which was closely followed by a lie down in a darkened room, from which I awoke to learn that my luggage, last seen in Sweden has now made its stately way to Edinburgh and will arrive here tomorrow, a full week late.
“Bah” and “Humbug” from the choir – never 😉
Good cheer (or is it cheers) from the choir – well…………
praepostorial? I tried searching for this word using Google and got a whole lot of dummy pages of gibberish… apparently “praepostorial” is a key element of something called Alternate Lorem Ipsum (dummy text generator for people sick of regular old fashioned Lorem Ipsum). I finally found a definition on Dictionary.com: a senior student at an English public school who is given authority over other students. Shows what I know!
…pertaining to a provost