Quick Links

Kimberly and the congregation(s?) overseas are blogging at http://wonderfulexchange.wordpress.com

Mother Ruth has become part of the madness at Madpriest’s blog.

They seem to have been sitting around twigs at the St Andrew’s clergy conference. (One day someone will do a PhD on the influence of IKEA on Christian worship).

St Saviour’s has a new priest. (Peace and blessings be upon them all).

Oh yes, and Asphodeline had a fascinating post on clergy dress which stems from her search for a church.


  1. Kimberly says

    Do you not think that the IKEA influence is limited to a certain sub-set of clergy? (i.e. — those who nurtured their liturgical skills while living on student grants in Edinburgh).

    Surely as the church ordains more and more people near retirement age, we should expect the aesthetic to shift to John Lewis.

  2. kelvin says

    Yes – sometimes one wonders whether TISEC should seek sponsorship from SAGA.

  3. asphodeline says

    I’ve come to the sad conclusion that I’m hopelessly Episcopal forever and have a thing for men in long dresses !

    (I’ve heard that the new RevDom at St. Saviours has a very smart outift too!)

  4. Anonymous says

    fraid not, just alb + stole. pratically naked!!!

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