A quick roundup of news on the shoe question.
- Eileen the Episcopali-fem has posted a glorious gallery of footwear which might, or hopefully in some cases might not, be seen in the sanctuary.
- Madpriest thinks it is all a question of context.
- Tim, over in Canada has posted a pic of the most glorious liturgical slippers in the world. Consequently, the Liturgical Committee-Shoes Subsection is working overtime to rush through the Arctic Exemption.
- Meanwhile, Fr Gadgetvicar confesses all. Well, perhaps not all. I fear there may be other liturgical confessions from that direction before the last trump of judgement does sound.
- And wikipedia has an article that tells us that the late Pope’s shoes were changed from brown to red during his lying in state.
Good to know that gadget vicar continues to be concerned for the state of your sole. He clearly has a ministry of heeling…