I’ve lost count of the number of people who have asked me for a copy of the Swedish Rite for blessing registered partnerships.
Here is a taster:
Love comes from God.
The ability to love is God’s gift to humankind.
Entering into partnership is a shared undertaking
to preserve and deepen your love for each other,
to share each other’s lives in good times and in bad,
to create a warm and welcoming home together,
(where children receive the security they need).
It means being faithful to one another,
to live in trust and love.
Therefore your union needs the help of God,
and should be cherished in tenderness and care..
In prayer and worship, in the word of God and the sacraments
you will find strength for your journey together.
And here it is:
Swedish Rite
Surely these requests are not from colleagues of ours, Kelvin? This Swedish rite is, like the Common Worship Pastoral Services and almost everything else (Canon 22 and all that jazz), surely unauthorised for use in Scotland?
Quite right, David. This rite is not an authorised rite of the SEC, so it could not be used here in an official SEC service without a bishop’s permission.
You hit the nail on the head by saying that it cannot be used, just like the Common Worship Pastoral Services cannot be used, in Scotland.
My dear Provost, blog comments are not great for an awareness of different emphases, cheeky smiles or raised eyebrows, are they?! Dxx
Thankfully, God transcends our hoops, stumbling blocks, skipping ropes and generally tangled red tape………… Thankfully.
This Swedish Rite looks good. Pity it is not intended for wider application……… many ‘hetero-couples’ might relate rather well to this Rite too……..
Thankfully God knows beyond the limitations of words……….. thankfully.
Would the couple still be awake at the end of it? Why can’t everybody just get married?
Labels are for suitcases.