Radio Scotland Knitting Obsession

What is it about Radio Scotland and knitting?

For the second time in about eight weeks, I’ve turned my face against a proposal that I should knit, live on Radio Scotland. Why are they asking for this? Does knitting make good radio all of a sudden?


  1. Concept certainly justifies consideration……… analogies…….. like…… God the wool binding 2 people (knitting needles) together…….. Father, Son & Holy Spirit……………. God – the Blueprint – the pattern – to make sense of all the ‘cobbling’ in our lives…….. a useful garment from the knots of our lives……. ‘Bind us together, Lord’……. various approaches (stitches) being equally valid to achieve the intended aim (garment / ‘thing’)…. beauty being created from the simplest of tools……… Yup. …. and that’s just off top of der head….. Worth considering. And why knot ?

  2. PS. …… and that’s before we start to venture into the realms of different colours……… different textures……….. when and where and why the knitting is taking place…….. !

  3. Your Pal says

    I think that you should knit on the radio. How exciting. We should have that type of interest in the United States. I say “go with the flow” and wear your prettiest frock.

  4. Lindsay says

    Just put down my knitting here in radioland to respond! I have a suspicion that all will be revealed on Comic Relief this Friday…anyway I thought you were a good knitter if that cuddly blue Arran jumper is anything to go by!


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