Topics to blog about

Andrew has commented on a previous post about topics to blog about. His suggestions are

  • The environment
  • Slavery ( any why it is still practiced )
  • Ecumenical concerns and relations with other religions
  • Children, and how we can bring them into the Faith

Someone else has commented that Andrew could set up his own blog. It doesn’t have to be either/or. Other bloggers are most welcome in the conversation. (I’m aware of several members of the congregation who are blogging already). However I welcome other suggestions too. Sometimes prompts help.

So, it is an open question. What would you like blog entries about? Don’t all speak at once, now.


  1. Brian Holden says

    I used to go to St. James Piccadilly occasionally when I was in London. Donald Reeves would talk about contemporary developments in theology which lay people would not normally hear about.

  2. Don’t forget this blog’s name – surely there’s enough in there to keep you going?

  3. Topics about which to Blog – Grammar? 🙂

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