Doris Day Day

You will be delighted to hear, gentle reader, that at lunchtime today, the Cathedral Office came to a glorious standstill for a chorus of Que Sera, Sera. This event was of course, to mark Doris Day’s birthday, a feast which is unmoveable, even in Lent.

Sing along now.

Kudos to Fr Kirstin for alerting us.


  1. Andrew says

    Hey Kelvin – I could have done with Doris Day at the Faith and Order Board. Sadly I won’t be returning to that distinguished gathering, but I suggest that Kimberley take along her Dansette and the suitably worn-out record next time. Obviously, it is not the smooth version that is played in Holy Week in ‘La Parmiagna’, but it is better than tenebrae with two non-singers. Now how about ‘A white sports coat and a pink carnation for Easter Day?’

  2. Some feasts are indeed immovable!

  3. Thanks Kelvin
    Always a fave but the vid def added that extra je ne sais quoi something

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