A new bishop for Aberdeen and Orkney

Warmest of wishes to the new Bishop Elect of Aberdeen and Orkney, the Very Rev Bob Gillies. Bob was my rector when I was exploring my vocation. He is one of the people without whom, I very certainly would not have been a priest.

Here is how our first conversation began:

Me: Er, excuse me, I think I would like to talk to you about being a priest. I think God is calling me to be one.

Bob: Oh, how interesting. Are you a member of the church?

Me: Well, no, actually.

Bob: Are you a member of my congregation?

Me: Well, not as such.

Bob: Have you been baptised?

Me: Oh yes, when I was 18 in a large tank of water. Very baptised.

Bob: Confirmed?

Me: No.

Bob: Well, we will begin there…


  1. You too? Different rector… really similar story.

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