General Assembly – Web Coverage

Watched a debate from the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland this afternoon via their live web-feed. The Assembly is always impressive. Today, the standard of debate was, as usual, much higher than anything that we ever achieve in the SEC. Both the contributions to the debate and the way that the business was handled were immensely impressive.

And what about web coverage of the General Synod of the SEC. Well, we are meeting once again in a builing where we cannot even get a computer connected to the internet, never mind use the net to get any message out to the world.  The future, as we all know, is out there.


  1. Ah, but to quote the convenor of the communications committee – or whatever they call themselves – of the SEC at last year’s Synod : “Blogging is not for everyone.” Maybe he knew something we don’t. What about some live moblogging?

  2. kelvin says

    If you have the technology to moblog, Chris, I’m all for it. I just wish we could get a proper feed.

  3. Kennedy says

    You’re right Kelvin – the kirk and its very comprehensive coverage via podcasts, RSS feeds and othe sundry devices puts us to shame. When I was over at Plamerston Place last week (doing a recce for the Synod) I was a bit disappointed that the place doesn’t have any connectivity – the nearest Access point seems to be at Starbucks (Starbucks or Synod – some choice?)

    We are apparently getting a new provincial website which will be demonstrated at the synod (without the benefit of an internet connection), but at least we won’t have a link to the General Synod of 2005.

    Moblogging would be a good idea if we have the requisite human resources as well.

    Onwards and upwards!


  4. kelvin says

    We are certainly getting the new website launch at Synod.

  5. I can moblog – I’ve just done it, using your blog page as a photo. It takes as long as text messaging – so could be fun if there was something worth while to say. And there’s always photos – very easy to send to blog!

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