James Milne speaks on the Anglican Covenant and proposes the motion that the Faith & Order Board be given authority to respond on this subject.
Nancy Adams speaks of the brokenness of the Communion.
Alison Peden welcomes the emphasis on Mission in the covenant. However questions how the 39 Articles can be a unifying force. Why do we need to state a covenant when we have baptism and the Creeds which unite us? Devisive and defensive walls make up the Covenant.
Ian Hopkins speaks in favour of the covenant due to its relationality.
Bishop Brian says this is not necessarily the only show in town. We need to find different ways to deal with the problems of the Communion. Can we find way to hold together when we do not have a common mind? We have to become a community that can life with clashing values. We need a trust that passes understanding.
John Riches speaks. Is this the right way forward? Unity of Communion section suggests that our differences will be submitted to the Primates’ Meeting. Primates have gone too far. They are a dangerous body. Our models of decision making over the ordination of women needed time. There is a risk of of rushing far too fast. Colin Sibley – there is an traditionalist undercurrent to the Covenant. Regrets the need for “regret” on the part of the USA.
Malcolm Round says that there we people who can affirm the covenant. It is not extreme. There must be things we agree on.
Gill Young – what happens to those who cannot sign up to the covenant? Exclusion should not be in Christian vocabulary.
David Bayne agrees with John Riches. Covenant is 95% sugar and 5 % Strickenine . Primates decision making powers not good.
John Penman speaks. He worries at the creation of an Anglican College of Cardinals.
Bishop Martin speaks on autonomy something to protect us. Covenant takes that away. Danger of Covenant is who will interpret it.
Martin Robson says this is not good Anglican Doctrine. Need faith and reason together.
Bishop ldris says that there is no sense in which this is the end of the process.These proposals did not come from the Primates but the Standing Committee of the ACC.
James Milne replies to the debate. We are having more debate than we leave been asked to have. what happens if we say no to the final Covenant? It may not be that they will necessarily leave the Anglican Communion.
The Motion is carried.
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