Synod Blogging 11 – Friday Afternoon

Lambeth Conference. We heard about the possibility of provision of hospitality for Bishops coming to the Lambeth Conference. There is an opportunity to host bishops, wives (and presumably concubines) who are coming to the LC next year. If they come.

If you want to have a bishop, you need to make requests for them. I know which one I want.

Marion Chatterley then spoke about the TEAM Towards Effective Anglican Mission Conference networks.

A rather soft motion on the Millenium Goals was put to the synod and passed nem con.

Information and Communication Board. Cliff Piper speaks. Significant progress has been made on the Communications Strategy. Focus this year is on the new website.

We need web access in the synod hall. We should not meet somewhere that does not have it. Cliff spoke most entertainingly and had the synod members rolling in the aisles with laughter at his riotous joke.

There was a time when the I end C used to get abuse for the print publication The Episcopalian. People seem to like Inspires much more.

The Grosvenor Essay was formally launched.

Gregor Duncan and Michael Fuller engage in a Richard & Judy routine to launch it.

Congregational status comes next. The new proposals pass by a large majority.


  1. Greogor and Michael doing a “Richard and Judy” is one way to minimise the amount of snoring during after lunch sessions.

  2. Richard and Judy? Good grief the things the rector gets up to in my absence! My it sounds like you Episcopalians know how to have fun 🙂

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