Today is the Feast of St Columba. Nine years to the day since I was priested in Perth.
One of the sad things that has come to pass in recent times is that our bishops do not seem to be able to organise themselves around the Christian calendar. Neither of the two bishops elect that we have at the moment are to be consecrated on auspicious days and it seems such a shame. I wonder how I would have managed without the patronage of Columba. I shudder to think.
Anyway, I must keep uncharitable thoughts to myself and instead reflect on the years that are passed. I must dig out the sermon that was preached at my ordination. (Oscar Wilde featured somewhat) and I must start to think about how to celebrate my decade next year.
Synod this year seems to me to have passed by without great rancour. There have not been very many decisions made and very few close votes indeed.
As I was sitting reading my morning newspaper in the Point, I could not help but reflect on the fact that there was nothing in it about the SEC. That is because we have given them nothing worth reporting.
We have to find new ways of communicating what we are up to in the church. So many of the reports about interesting things have been dull presentations given to an interest group of 150 people from a lectern. How about next year, we give the Boards and Committees the technology and the skills to produce a 10 minute video on what they have been doing for the year? We could send the videos out by DVD for the synod members and post them during the synod on youtube for the wider church and the wider world.
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