
Can someone remind me what I am supposed to do for summer solstice. I tried celebrating it this evening with a trip up the road to the Botanics which was open late for the occasion. Striking a pose in front of the glass-houses was all very well for 10 minutes but then the midges started to bite. It also started to rain. Instead of feeling full of the joys, I felt all bitten and wet, and I’m sure that is not what was supposed to happen.

What am I supposed to do today? Sacrificing virgins and rolling in the morning dew seem like possibilities, though there might be practical problems there too. I’ve a feeling that those were for May Day anyway.

Your suggestions please.


  1. Blue woad, Kelvin.

    (perhaps with a dash of white wine vinegar?)

    And it is not the virgin per se that is sacrificed.

  2. kelvin says

    Ah, now I see what he really wanted the vinegar for.

    Keep those suggestions coming.

  3. Naked, with sprigs of bog myrtle ( to keep away the midges). We did same in Edinburgh Botanics – lovely calm evening, affronted heron (too many people at bedtime) – and nae midges!

  4. kelvin says

    Chris, the image of you naked in the Edinburgh Bots complete with affronted heron will stay with me for quite a while. Glad you enjoyed it, but no idea how you got away with it.

  5. asphodeline says

    I love Solstice. Broomstick, wand and something warming to drink!! Naked isn’t so good when there are midges about of course 🙂

  6. I realised what I’d said just after hitting ‘post’ – but glad it went through. We aim to amuse …

  7. Andrew says

    I think that Canon 17b in the Cof E requires Deans to go to Stonehenge on 2ist June. Having fought a running battle with the local constabulary, they then recite the ‘Quinque Vult’ and there is a retiring collection for the Bishop of Salisbury. Then all face west and exchange the Peace with hippies etc before wishing them well on their journey to Glastonbury for the real liturgy of the year.
    Kelvin , your penance in the rain and the presentation of wine-vinegar to the stranger means that the Summer Solstice will now be commemorated as St Kelvins’ Day – assuming the Faith and Order Board approve.

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