What am I listening to?

Well, thank you kindly for asking.

  • Ella and Louis are coming out of the CD player right at this moment.
  • John Barrowman singing Anything Goes has me joining in, to the delight of the whole tenement. (And before you ask, Dr Who still leaves me cold).
  • Goodtime George Melly has been much mourned this week.

Anyone would think that I liked jazz from the above list. Truth is, I quite like it if it does not take itself too seriously. Perhaps I should expend a little more time exploring my inner diva. I’d quite like to front something loud, trad, happy and gay sometime.

Wearing a hat, I suppose.

PS – did I tell you that I share a secret Dolly Parton thing with another member of the music staff at the Cathedral? No? Well, I’m not letting on now.

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