The task of managing creaking church buildings is one which is mostly undertaken by volunteers in almost every community the length and breadth of the country. It is surprising therefore that so little has been written to aid those who take on this mammoth task. Those of us who do undertake such work now have a book aimed at helping us do a job which is often thankless yet for the mission of many church communities utterly invaluable. Maggie Durran’s book is practical and sensible, with suggestions for all levels of church building maintenance from keeping the basic structure intact to full-scale re-ordering of church interiors. Within these pages, there is sensible advice on things such as project management, budgeting, ecological constraints and balancing heritage demands against functional needs. The overwhelming impression is of common sense which has been learned over a number of years. One aspect which is of particular note is the attention given to dealing with professionals such as architects and those whose remit includes health and safety legislation. I know of no other comparable book which deals with the same subject matter for those of us charged with keeping our buildings in sound order. Strongly recommended.
Book Review – Making Church Buildings Work
23/07/2007 By Leave a Comment
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