To Perth on Monday and Tuesday for a meeting of the Information and Communications Board of the Scottish Episcopal Church. It is fascinating being on such a body at a time when the bloggers are in the ascendency.
However, you almost have to feel sorry for the Quality Hotel in Perth. Almost but not quite. If you were running the worst hotel in the country, would you want a party of bloggers to book in? Mind you, no-one seemed to care about anything that was going on. Presumably, they won’t be bothered about it being blogged about.
The last hotel I experienced that was as bad as this one, was run by Basil Fawlty. Though Fawlty Towers did at least have the redeeming feature that it was funny.
Mother Ruth has the details. It was a horrific hotel stay. What visitor would want to go back to Perth if that is their experience.
Note to churches – people want to go to places which are clean, with safe food if you are serving food and welcoming people. They don’t just want to wonder if they will survive the next few hours, they want to thrive. They want to to be impressed enough to return. They want an experience that suggest that someone is being responsive and attentive. They just want to be treated with all the dignity of being a person. Its not rocket science.
Quality Hotel? Quality was not the word.
Difficult as the experience undoubtedly proved, it seems to me that in fact The Board gained some exceedingly precious and valuable insights …… food (and coffee ?) at least for thought….. and such stimulus to communication !
After all, ‘communication’ needs a precipitating ‘topic’ as well as ‘intention to share information’ and ‘means by which to share /distribute information’ …. tho this particular episode of ‘communication’, being so factual, is unlikely to get tripped up into the quagmire of ‘what A said/what B heard/what B understood’ …… which is so often the Actual Problem re communication failure….
… apart from when it just doesn’t happen…….
Oh – and the positive aspect of awful food is that at least The Diet was presumably not jeopardised !
(Seems that that bird with The Almighty Sense Of Humour must’ve been about again……)