What people are looking for

The eagle-eyed (and the geeky) amongst you will have noticed that I’m now using a proper tagging system. Tags are appearing at the end of each post rather than in an ever expanding list of categories down the side of the page. Your blogging tip of the day is that tags are not categories and categories are not tags.

Such taxonomies help people find their way around the internet. They help the search engines.

So here is a list of some of the search engine terms that have brought people to this blog in the last couple of weeks:

  • “gregorian chant” nuns
  • don’t take him just because you can
  • st silas episcopal church
  • elves in the basement
  • wysiwig sermon
  • General Synod on life after death
  • No socks in church
  • shoes churches
  • the mcintosh kilt
  • general trivia
  • episcopal kilt
  • blessing civil partnerships scotland
  • african church understanding not very deep
  • church of fudge nun
  • good short sermons

Don’t know quite what to make of this list. What do you think?

Whatever you are looking for, welcome, one and all


  1. kelvin says

    Thanks Chris

    you are subscribed to an old feed, but I’ll fix it all the same, later in the day. It is the feedburner feeds that you want.


  2. You’ll be glad to hear you’ve reappeared in a new position in my list. I’ll delete the old one. 🙂

  3. Moyra says

    Oh, I’m not blaming you… just intruiged, that’s all/

    I’m now wondering about a whole line of Fudge Nuns, or Fudge Churches, and do the Fudge nuns fit in the Fudge Churches?

  4. Kelvin, could you tell me how you got that list? I’ve seen on a few bloggers blogs how people ahve ended up on their site but I’m not sure what it is.

    I use Googlereader to view my feeds online, its usefull since I am on 3 different computers regularly, my own laptop, a PC at Uni and a PC at work.

  5. So what is a Category then? I have obviously been doing it wrong and am going to have to go back and edit all my entries! Just what you need on holiday.

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