Poetry spotting competition

Five points to anyone who can name the poet that I was quoting in the sermon I preached on Sunday (posted below). Bonus of 10 points if you can name the poet and name the musical in which the line in question was used.


  1. I think it should be five points if you can find the quotation. Having read it several times a quotation from a poem does not jump out at me.

  2. Sorry – stuck my comment on the wrong post. I shall repeat it here:
    “distant glory”? A patriotic American song by Pam Martin and Brian Terrell? Shurely not….

  3. kelvin says

    No, not distant glory. It came very close to the end.

  4. “For everything that lives is holy”

    by William Blake

    Van Morrison used it in a 1985 work – “Let the Slave” from the album “A Sense Of Wonder”

    Benjamin Britten was known to use the word of Blake and I wonder if he used them in his 1995 work celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra – All God’s Creatures (the prologue and movements 1 and 2 use word by Blake)

  5. kelvin says

    Very good Stewart. You get the five points. The points for spotting the recent musical which used the same line are still up for grabs.

  6. Christina says

    Alright, I give in. If it’s not Les Mis (and I’m fairly certain it isn’t) or The Lion King (the other obvious place it might be – but I haven’t seen it) then I don’t know, but I want to!

  7. kelvin says

    Beat you all with this one. I retain the points.

    It is Jerry Springer – the Opera. (One of the most important works of our time).

    “Haven’t you people heard of yin and yang? Love and hate? Attraction and repulsion? It’s the human condition we’re talking about here. Energy is pure delight! Nothing is wrong and nothing is right, and everything that lives is holy.”

  8. Elizabeth says

    If I hadn’t noticed the date of your comment Kelvin, I’d have suggested that the reference to Jerry Springer the Opera was what got your blog banned.

    As I did, the source of the manifold wickedness continues unidentified.

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