To Uddingston

To Uddingston yesterday for the institution of the new priest for Uddingston and Cambuslang. It is many a year since I’ve been to that town.

Heard +Idris in his sermon say something to the effect that the distinctive thing that anglicans have to offer in Scotland is to stand up to intolerance, especially where it comes from other religious leaders.

It was that especially which made me sit up and take notice. It was said with some force. Indeed, bless him, I think he even banged the pulpit as he said it.

I agree.

[“Provost agrees with Bishop” makes such a dull headline, doesn’t it?]


  1. May I congratulate you on the Pepysian tone of that opening paragraph?
    And yaaay for Idris while I’m at it!

  2. Elizabeth says

    He banged the pulpit?! How un-anglican! And wonderful.

  3. Eamonn says

    He did – twice! And it was!

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