Tomorrow is a glorious feast – it is Ascension Day. It is one of my favourites and celebrates one of those stories from the Bible (like the talking snake with legs in Genesis) that you instinctively know is true.
Services at 11 am, 1.05 pm (in Glasgow University Chapel) and 7.30 pm. The evening one is very special, the whole choir (ie adults and trebles) are singing their first choral mass all together. We are being treated to Haydn’s Little Organ Mass which is always lovely. Ken Shaw is preaching, and a good time is going to be had by all.
PS – note to those who have joined us who don’t come from an Anglican/Episcopal background – going to church on Ascension Day is a must. It is a real treat that you miss out on if you don’t go.
PPS – Quick Quiz Question – Ascension Day is always a Thursday. Why?
Ch! ‘cos Easter’s always a Sunday. Forty days and all…
*a bit jealous* of the goings on at St Mary’s today. Blessed Ascension to all!
and wot a feast we enjoyed – wow ! – who said “The Devil has all the best music” ? !!!