Just to note that there is a bumper Evensong on Sunday 4 May 2008 [NB Corrected date!] at 6.30 pm in St Mary’s. You get two choirs for the price of one as St Mary’s Cathedral Choir are being joined by Glasgow University Chapel Choir. These are two of the most exciting liturgical choirs in Scotland and the prospect of them singing together, with Kevin Bowyer playing the organ is an extraordinary thought.
I’m fascinated at what is happening at Evensong in Cathedrals in the UK at the moment. St Mary’s is not alone in apparently attracting a new crowd whom I’d say were often young, spiritual and loving the sheer beauty of the whole experience. I would never have guessed 10 years ago that I would ever be saying that about Choral Evensong. Indeed, for a very long time I thought it was a has been service which was simply never coming back except as something like the Sealed Knot at prayer.
Sometimes it is wonderful to be gloriously wrong.
[ps – Pentecost Ceilidh tickets now on sale for next week]
Cathedral Choral Evensong is almost entirely responsible for my being an Anglican.
May 4th, actually
I very much regretted missing this Special Service but it gave me great joy to hear that Evensong is thriving again in all the Cathedrals and enthusiastic youngsters are among the congregations. I have always found that choirs love this service and will give of their very best, but congregation numbers have often been disheartening. Let’s hope this revival will spread to the smaller Churches who strive to maintain this Service.
It also gives one great hope that all those lovely Evensong musical settings will continue to prosper.
Thank you Barbara
I can only describe last night’s experience as being utterly glorious.
Yes – it was fun, wasn’t it. I’m sure there was an extra twinkle in the eye of The Almighty that night. And The Provost was singing particularly well too.