Sunday is Pentecost – the birthday of the church. By way of marking this event in this our year of jubilee, celebrating having been a cathedral for 100 years, St Mary’s is a-partying on Sunday evening. Evensong (once again featuring the full choir of trebles and adults) will be followed by the ceilidh of the year.
Now, if you don’t come from St Mary’s and are wondering what all this has to do with you, well, the giddy thing is that we would love you to join us. We are like that you see. Either come to Evensong and enjoy praying along and then wait for the dancing to start or go to your own evening worship and come along afterwards. I know a lot of people read this blog who belong to other churches in the area (well, one other church in the area in particular). You know who you are and you know you are invited.
All welcome. Choral Evensong at 1830, ceilidh afterwards. If you know you are coming and want to help us out by booking your place in advance (please do!) then use the contact form on this blog. Tickets are £5 for adults, children free.
Dancing is to The Last Tram tae Auchenshuggle and there will be a licensed bar. (Really).
Alas, “I Don’t Feel Like Dancing” by Scissor Sisters has almost life-verse significance to me so I probably won’t attend. It does sound fun though. So will you yourself be participating, in robes and all ;-)?
I shall be robed for Evensong. Gloriously so.
I shall be also be mustering up a little soft shoe gentle sway at the ceilidh. Gloriously so also.
Oh, and there is social chat space for those who, like Jake Shears and Ryan, don’t feel like dancin’.
Yes, and ice-cream too to cheer the soul.
Blessings on your centennial celebration! It sounds like y’all will be having a wonderful evening!
Ice cream? Is there no end to the Cathedral’s temptations ;-)?
Congratulations to St Mary’s. You’ve certainly been in my thoughts today. Twenty years ago today (Whitsunday 1988) I was confirmed at St Mary’s Glasgow by Bp Derek.
After it was over and done the GU students who had been confirmed gathered at the home of John Turner (the chaplain) for food and drinks. It was the first time I ever tried champagne and I think that I tried a bit too much that day, if I remember correctly.
Twenty years of Episcopalianism and champagne. I wonder if it is too late to rethink this whole thing?
Best wishes to St Marys and the people there!
Wot a ceilidh – and the Provostorial Shoes got not just dusted but must have been especially shined for the occasion of a light fandango or ten. ‘Fit for duty’ ? – Emminently !